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From Max M:Hey Cirrus RTW Pilots, I'm gearing up for a RTW flight in the next few years, and I'm on the hunt for a Cirrus that's already equipped with ferry tanks. Having a pre-installed and tested ferry tank system would be a huge advantage for this journey. Anyone out there looking to sell a Cirrus with ferry tanks? Or maybe you know someone who's recently completed an RTW trip in a Cirrus and might be ready to part ways with their trusty aircraft? Let me know if you have any leads or are the seller yourselves! melcher.maxwell (at) May7, 2019: Message from Rolf Frieden (RTW 2009): As a RTW pilot, I am actually planning to put my fully equipped, beloved and trusty Comanche 260C HB-PON on the market. For Sale Ideal RTW proven Piper PA-24 Comanche 260C, 1969, TTAF 2560, Engine TSO 560, Prop OH 2018, new Paint, NDH, Excellent Condition, Extensive Annual done May 2019, GNS 430, GTX 330, AP, 3M 1000 Storm Scope, EHSI Sandel 3308, +loaded, Lo Presty speed mod, Tip Tanks and certified 100 gall. long range Tank. Endurance 11 / 20 hrs. Located Switzerland, 130.000 US$, Full details available from: +41 79 625 05 28. email: ![]() ![]() ooOOoo ![]() April 29, 2019: Message from Max Reason: I am planning a long flying journey that may become an all the way around the world journey. The portion I have planned in fair detail is already at least half way around (USA to Chile to Easter Island to dozens of south pacific islands to New Zealand to western Australia and ... this is where my planning becomes rather vague. My plan is to take my time and spend a great deal of time to explore many geologically gorgeous and awesome areas along the way, not just complete the abstract goal "fly around the world". I know for sure I want to spend a great deal of time exploring the Atacama Desert and Atacama Andes of southern Peru, northern Chile, southeast Bolivia, northwest Argentina. The purpose of this trip is to visit geologically gorgeous and awesome boonies and extreme boonies ... not cities and not "culture" (except evidence of ancient culture like the Lake Titicaca area, Machu Picchu, Nazca, etc). I am looking for copilots/passengers to join portions of this journey of exploration, either because I am in their part of the world and they know certain regions well, or because they have a personal interest and fascination in some region and want to explore from the sky (with many landings in the extreme boonies to camp and explore on the ground a little too). I have no interest in cities, so the areas to be visited will be rural, boonies or even more extreme boonies... with rare stops in port-of-entry towns as necessary to stay legal. The airplane is on order and will be brand new when received in late June or early July. My expedition will begin with a few months flying rural areas of the USA to "become one with the airplane" and make sure the airplane is reliable enough for ocean crossings. I welcome copilots/passengers for this test phase as well as portions of the long range flight that might become all the way around the world, which will probably begin in late 2019 --- since the southern hemisphere is then moving into summer months. At this early stage I'm also open to suggestions. Note that I can only take one copilot/passenger at any time, since the airplane is only a small side-by-side 2-seat airplane (that can land in less than 100 meters, fly up to 5400km non-stop at 275kph and up to 18,000 feet or higher with onboard oxygen if we choose). Reply to Max at . Much thanks to Earthrounders for posting this message. ooOOoo March 13, 2019: Message from Serkan Zalaltuntas: We are looking for an aircraft (could be Cirrus, Mooney etc.) to prepare our world tour next year. Out budget is around 40k € so if you have something suits like that, please let us know. Also, if you have something special on your mind, please let us know as well. ooOOoo January 17, 2017: From John Bone: "I am planning a 2018 RTW in my Cirrus SR22 and looking to purchase a portable HF radio and 100 US Gallon Turtlepac. Also wanted is a Mustang MAC 200/300 survival suit, size medium" Many thanks, John R. Bone November 11, 2015 Wanted-To-Buy: Used one hundred sixty (160) gallon Turtle-Pac in good condition (for hopefully a reasonable price since there are so many other expensive things to purchase for this trip!) Please contact Bruce Andrews at : August 31, 2015 Earthrounders Ron Siwik (RTW 2008) is selling his Bonanza tip tanks. 100 gallon tip tanks for Beech Bonanza as currently advertised in Trade-A-Plane and Bonanza Society newsletter. Photos are available in those ads. $40,000 dollars. Used for 5 trips around the world, 4 by Frank Haile and once by myself. Call Ron Siwik on, 440 477 4891 or email: August 11, 2015 Earthrounder Heinz Peier is selling the following items: 1. IRIDIUM EXTREME with DataAccess point/ Bluetooth , External Antenna , GEOS SOS function , all adapters , chargers , cables. 2. CELLSET with Headset Plugs , ties into Aircraft Audio system. 3. Mustang Ice Commander Ice Rescue Suit IC9001. Everything is in very good and little used Condition Buyers send offers by email to: or Call +1 386 334 9449 August 11, 2015 Attention Earthrounders I am looking for a pilot interested in joining me on a round- the-world trip by a two-engine plane (King Air 90/200/350 or similar type). Also, I am looking for opportunities of aircraft leasing (King Air 90/200/350 or similar type) for this trip. I am a private pilot from Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) with ten years of experience and an IFR rating. The route and other details of the trip to be determined along with interested partners. If you are interested, please email me: I’m currently in Oshkosh, my cell phone is (234) 7389187. I welcome any ideas and enquiries and look forward to hearing from you. Soiuzbek Saliev ooOOoo March 6, 2015 Avgas in Abuja, Nigeria From Sam Rutherford:“We have two drums (400L) of AVGAS surplus to requirements in Abuja (and can be moved to other locations within Nigeria). If you need additional fuel either side of this stop then we can probably help with that as well. Please get in touch if this could be useful, fly safe, Sam. ooOOoo June 20, 2104 FUEL AT ADAK From Wolf Shroen: We still have 5 x 55-gal drums of Avgas for sale in Adak. Any interested parties can email me at wolf_schroen(at) ooOOoo From Damon Meyer: Preparing for a 2015 RTW eastbound circumnavigation, single-engine piston airplane <1000kg MTOW, and am looking for good recent information on: 1) Options for in-flight satellite-based weather and real-time communications (SMS or other) 2) Ease of entry/exit and 100LL fuel availability in the following places: a. Luqa, Malta (LMML) b. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (OERK) c. Madras, India (VOMM) d. Palembang, Indonesia (WIPP) e. Darwin, Australia (YPDN) f. Brisbane, Australia (YBBN) g. Bonriki, Kiribati (NGTA) 3) Recommended clearance companies, with inexpensive but good service In addition, any advice in crossing ITCZ in April/May southbound between India and Australia, and northbound between Australia and Hawaii (or if there are preferred times to do so) would be greatly appreciated. Best, Damon Meyer ooOOoo January 14, 2014: From Dale Berger of Aero-Pro Avionics LLC: Dr. Siwik (RTW 2008) has commissioned me to broker the Frank Haile Aluminum tip tanks for Bonanza that he owns. Full details and photos ooOOoo January 14, 2014: Looking to buy or rent ferry tank or 'Dolly Paton' tanks with 120+ gallon capacity for Beechcraft Bonanza (A36). Please contact by email: Indiana, USA Cell: 317.809.4229 ooOOoo May 11, 2013 Frank Haile is selling his 'ATW-ready' Bonanza. Contact him for details at: ooOOoo April 23, 2013: Two new messages: From Sulaiman Al Mufaargi Dear earthrounders team I am following this site quite long time and I am planning to do this adventure flying round the world in single engine aircraft in the coming two years . I would likeif possible to find an aircraft for rant for round world trip . Preferred C172 or corvallis or SR 22 appreciated if its modified for long distance flying . Please put this announcement in this site for aircraft owners if they are intreated to lease their aircraft for a period of time . Also I am interested to attend earthrouders conferences to meet pilots who had the experiences and learn more about RTW . Best regards Sulaiman Al Mufaargi Muscat Sultanate of Oman From: Capt Prashanth Basavaraj. Hello Team I am a AOPA member who wanted to do the RTW. However, I had a heart valve replacement!!!! I would like to co-cponsor a RTW and if anybody is flying this year, do contact me on Regards Capt Prashanth Basavaraj ooOOoo ![]() Madeleine Dupont is selling a FERRY TANK, that fits a Bonanza cabin. Capacity: 120 gallons Dimensions: 36 inches high X 38 inches wide X 33 inches deep. Designed to fit a Bonanza cabin. Contact: Madeleine Dupont de Böck ooOOoo ![]() Larger picture From Sebastian Golze of Berlin, Germany: "I enjoy very much reading the news on your website even though my personal flights so far have not left Europe. But this way there are adventures left to dream about. Through flying I got the idea for an it startup project. I developed an Iridium satellite datalink device which brings worldwide datalink to the cockpit at a price well below any existing solutions. Here in Europe the main use is datalink weather radar as we have no WX or ADS-B but besides the device provides live worldwide METAR/TAF, live logging of a flight on Google maps and two way SMS communication. Features which are nice to have in Europe but they seem even more desirable when crossing oceans. Maybe my new project could be of any interest to the Earthrounders community." Additional information can be found here: ooOOoo April, 2012 Detlef Heun & Liliana Tagliamonte are selling 2 immersion suits. "Selling 2 x Mustang Ocean Commander Immersion Suits ,only one time worn, in new condition $400 ea. Winslow Super-Light Island Flyer, 4 Person "46GAST-09G-6-100" new packed ready until 2015: $2000." SOLD ooOOoo March 5, 2012 I am looking for information on crossing the North Atlantic from Canada to Greenland on VFR only. We have a Supercub in Portland Oregon we want to ferry to Kenya. Fitting IFR on one of these machine does't make sense. Looking at the Canadian gov. requirement, I understand that one has to be equipped for IFR, but microlight have done the flight. There must be a loop hole to allow us to do it. If anyone can help it will be great. It will be a pity to put the aircraft in a container.. ooOOoo November 18, 2011 From Islam Abd El Hamid: I am going to fly around the World with my well equipped Piper Aztec sometimes this spring and I need 1 or 2 co-pilots to joing me and share the expenses and the experience. If interested please email me at or call me at my canadian cell +1647-860-1819 ooOOoo October 9, 2011 I am selling 2 ferry tanks, 50 and 60 gallons capacity. They were used in a Mooney for transatlantic crossing and I have copies of the paperwork. Please contact Kabir Chuttani based at KPYM. Call 1-617-232-7334 ooOOoo September 20, 2011 From Heinz Peier: I have an 60 Gal professional built ferry Tank which fits in the backseat space of the Mooney Airplanes ,it is painted white and I will give it away for good price. Heinz Peier 226 Cessna Blvd. Port Orange FL 32128 386 334 9449 ooOOoo September 9, 2011 From Helmuth Lehner : Announcing my planned RTW and looking for a second Crew in a fourseat plane to accompany me. I will fly with my microlight WT9 Dynamic, departing on 15th of April next year from Austria eastward, via Turky, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, Alaska, San Francisco, Florida, New Foundland, Azores Island, Portugal, Spain, France and Austria. I would also be happy to find a second microlight for this trip, I will fly alone in my plane. Happy to see you next in Florida at the Earthrounders Meeting. Greetings ooOOoo May 12, 2011 My name is Domen, I am a friend of Matevz Lenarcic, the extreme pilot who flew around the world with his Microlight Sinus 912 in 2004. Mazevz decided to sell his aircraft, reason is new project. I am in charge of selling the airplane. Details: The aircraft is located in airport LJSK ( Slovenske Konjice ) - Slovenia EU Airplane is currently airworthy and the owner is flying with him. There is no outstanding issues or mechanical problems with the airplane, neither equipment, everything is working perfect See attachement. Airplane was always maintained by Pipistrel, which is important fact. Details for the engine: Rotax 912 ULS recommended TBO is 1500 hours now extended by Rotax to 2000 hours. But normaly this engine runs 3000+ hours, specially with Pipistrels as normal operating power keeps very low 50-60% RPM 4000-4300 100kts cruising speed. The engine was tested at Pipistrel in 2010 and it's in very good shape. Autopilot: Two axis Autopilot is TuTrak Digiflight II VS Cockpit instruments: Nesis 8.4 was installed by a company which is producer of the instrument, company is Kanardia. Nesis is very reliable and modulare, expecting to get more and more features. In case you require further information, please feel free to contact me: Domen Grauf Phone: +386 51 605 722 ooOOoo April 26, 2011 From Frank Haile: "For sale: 100 gal. each, DOLLY PARTON tip tanks for Bonanzas @ $30,000 per set. Who wants to fly a Bonanza around the world next?" ooOOoo 13 April 2011 Message from Douglas Cairns: Hello! I'm just about to set out on my next diabetes flying project, Diabetes Polar Flight, which will set a speed record from Barrow, Alaska to the North Pole, any time from Sunday 17th April onwards. This is going to be a terrifically exciting project! Details are up on where you can follow progress via a Spidertracks GPS tracker link, and two-hourly Hompeage updates via satellite phone relays to Karl Beetson, our technical support man on the ground in Barrow. As ever, the aim of this project is to highlight that diabetes need not limit the scope of people's dreams and ambitions, and to raise funds for diabetes research. T his is the third project supporting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation which aims to find a cure for type 1 diabetes, and through research support can also help improve the lives of up to 30% of people with type 2 diabetes (who use insulin) as well as type 1 diabetes. Last year we raised over $24,000 during and with your help, we would love to raise more this year! If you would like to make a donation, we'd be delighted if you log onto the Just Giving Link below - all donations go direct to JDRF. Also, if you know of anyone with diabetes, please do pass the website details on. Many thanks indeed from the whole Diabetes Polar Flight team, Karl, Deb, Mel and Alan! Wishing you the very best, Dougie ooOOoo Earthrounder Francisco Agullo of Azimut270 is selling his CTLS. In present configuration the aircraft has a 20 hours endurance. Full details ooOOoo I am looking for a co pilot to join me on a round the world trip in my Lancair IV. I am a private pilot from Australia, with 40 years experience and an IFR rating. Ideally, I would like to tour with a second plane and crew. I want to travel at a leisurely pace and make this the greatest adventure of our lives, spending approximately 12 months touring Nth & Sth America, Europe, Asia and possibly Africa. I welcome any ideas and enquiries and look forward to hearing from you. Sam Randazzo Phone: + 61 417293833 ooOOoo Wanted to buy a 37GAL turtle pac, or any similar ferry fuel tank. to fit a C182. PLEASE EMAIL PAUL at or call 528114695954 ooOOoo Request Help with Insurance & Handling Agents We are trying to prepare a flight around the world to take place in June 2011 or 2012. Aircraft type is Twin Comanche (N-reg), pilots are both ATPs, one with 2,800TT (1,000 ME) and the other with 3,000 TT (200 ME). Both active instructors with plenty of recent IFR time. No accidents or incidents. Despite best efforts, have only gotten one quote for $20,000. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Same goes for favorite handling agents used. Thanks, Zeke ooOOoo August 28, 2010: I am retired FAA ATCS (57 yr) with 1300 hrs & COMM. INST. MULTI. CFII, ASMELS RATINGS. Ready to crew on a RTW flight should anyone need a co-pilot. Keep me in the loop. Best, James ooOOoo ![]() Madeleine Dupont is selling a FERRY TANK, capacity 120 Gallons. ooOOoo August 28, 2009: More about tanks. This is from Kevin Molloy: For all Earthrounders that are looking for Ferry Tanks, please contact ATL UK (+44 1908 351700) or ATL USA (+1 201 825 1400). ATL are manufacturers of Flexible Fuel Bladder Tanks for Range Extension For more information, please log onto ooOOoo August 25, 2009 : Message recieved from Lindsay Howitt: We need a 140 US gallon Ferry tank for a PA-30 flying from California to New Zealand. Does anyone have one for sale or know where one can be fitted in Washington on west coast. Reply to: ooOOoo April 30, 2008 I have got a 100 Gal Aluminum ferry tank for Piper Comanche for sale. Copy of FAA337 available. Rated to 9G, with all fittings, drawings, paperwork. Located Oregon, USA West Coast. ooOOoo April 22, 2008 Ralf and Marga Hannemann are selling their Earthrounder Partenavia P68C (Vulcanair), D-GHAN, year of manufacture 2003, TT 1100 hrs, fully IFR-equipped, deicing etc. . Additionally we want to sell our life raft and one of our fuel pumps: Life Raft with cover, 4 persons, only 6,5 kgs, new certification August 2007, price new € 1600,-- plus certification € 259,--. buy it for € 1000,-- ooOOoo April 20, 2008 Norm Livingstone has two very good Survival Suits (Mustang Ocean Commander) for sale which he used RTW and for his last crossing. They are in "new" condition and he would like $300US each which is about 1/3 the normal retail price I believe ooOOoo March 30, 2008 Back in the late 50's, I met a man in Japan who was getting ready to take off on the last leg of his flight around the world in a Beech Bonanza. He was sponsored by a lubricant. He never made it to Midway and was never found. Now...have you any idea what his name was? He called himself the "FLYING DUTCHMAN" ooOOoo January 19, 2008 An ATPL pilot is looking for a Co-pilot for his Eastbound Round the World Flight in April 2009 with his new Cessna 206 aircraft. The qualifications of the Co pilot must include IFR rating and minimum 500 hours flight time. Oceanic Flight experience will be a plus point. To contact please include all your flight experiences and send to: ooOOoo FOR SALE: Norm Livingstone is seeling his RTW Ovation N667DL "Nang Fah" Airplane has 292 long distance hours, Continental Platinum 310 HP engine, Garmin 1000 system, Monroy long range tanks of 130 usuable fuel, practical range of 2000 nm Storm scope and speed brakes. Annual is good until end of Nov 2008. Excellent condition inside and out. Anyone wanting more details can contact Norm at Click here for a photo of Nang Fah ooOOoo November 24, 2007 Could anyone advise me on routing from Guam to Manila. My routing for my trip will take from Guam to Manila(RPLL). What would be the best place to land in the Philippines from a GA point of view and of course AVGAS. Thanks Regards Steve Marais Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA +2711 836010571 Flight Coordinator SA 2 SA 2008 ooOOoo June 10, 2007 This is a very inspiring site. I am interested in sharing the trip/expenses of a the RTW flight or some parts of a RTW flight with another pilot. I am a 45 year old VFR pilot (900 hrs) with a Grumman AA5B. Thus will like to pair up with a pilot who has an IFR rating and a plane with a longer endurance. So far my longest trip has been Boston, Massachusetts to Fairbanks, Alaska. I am a physician based in Boston and fluent in English and Hindi. Please contact me if interested Kabir Chuttani N28917, KPYM March 10, 2005 Jan 25, 2007 1. Looking to help someone on Earthrounder trip of some kind. Lear, Citation 500, King Air 300 type and PC-12 and other turbine time and piston time. Pilot 12,000 hour ATP with North Atlantic, Europe South, Central, and North American experience. 2. Live near Seattle, Washington. I enjoy hosting overnight Earthrounders. 3. Would exchange flight time in US Canada for flight time in your country. I have Hughes 500 helicopter, Katana motor glider, and PA-46. Jeff Jobe ooOOoo August 20, 2006 Odilon Monteiro is looking for ferry tanks for his Seneca. He needs tanks for 220 gallons. ooOOoo August 10, 2006 Oversize tip tanks for Bonanzas for sale or rent. Please contact Frank Haile at ooOOoo March 10, 2005 First whoever you are I appreciate your web site. Great reading for all aviation enthusiasts. 1. Looking to find another interested party to fly around the world. 53 ATP North Atlantic, Europe South, Central, and North American experience. single multi airplane, helicopter and glider CFI. Looking to share expenses on mutual trip of somekind does not have to fully cirle earth. 2. Live near Seattle, Washington. Would host overnight earthrounders. 3. Would exchange flight time in US Canada for flight time in other counties in your plane. Have Hughes 500 helicopter, Katana motorglider, and Citation 500. Jeff Jobe ooOOoo October 10, 2004 Pilot wanted for a RTW I am planning a RTW trip in 2008 (starting in Germany going East for 3 month between Jun - Sep) and I am looking for a second pilot to attend. He or she should have an IFR certificate. My plane is a Cessna 210 with new avionics. Interested pilots can contact me by e-mail at: ooOOoo April 13, 2004 Credit available at Seletar (Singapore) Message received from Earthrounder John Coale : " I have a credit of about $200 US at Hawker Pacific, Asia, on Seletar Field, Singapore. I would happily donate it to any Earthrounder planning a stop there. The refund process would cost a large portion of the amount." John Coale, #66 Thank you John. (Ed) ![]() ; |
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